Triple Rabbit Cage - 24 Inch Height

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These Rabbit cages are designed with the New Zealand White rabbit in mind, though they are sure to work well for all other medium to small meat breed bunnies.

The overall dimensions of the individual cages are 3 feet wide by 2 feet deep. Together, the triple cage measures 9 feet wide by 2 feet deep The cages come in 2 heights, 15 inch for $210 (see other listing in store), and 24 inch for $250. Free shipping with all cage orders.

Sometimes rabbits need their own space, and now they can have it. The cages share a wall, saving you space with your rabbits housing.

The ceiling, walls, and floors are all made from inch by half inch wire. The walls and ceilings are 16 gauge inch by half inch. The floors are a very comfortable 14 gauge inch by half inch material, galvanized after weld. 

The holes are small enough to keep predatory rodents and reptiles out, and keep newborn babies in.  They've even been reported as having held off a German Shepard attack.

This gives the rabbits' feet the most support while still allowing their waste to drop through. This provides a sanitary environment for the rabbits, preventing disease and keeping them healthy. These cages allow air flow to keep the rabbit comfortable.

The cage does need to be assembled, and there is a handy, easy to follow YouTube video showing you exactly how to do it. The cage also comes with several assembly clips, so if you drop some, you have plenty of spares. 

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